As a life-long fish keeper, Greg Steeves’ interest in aquatics was seeded early on with his fascination of life found in a local pond that he would frequent on his way home from elementary school each day. Between the tadpoles, dragonfly larvae and sticklebacks, the web in which life is wound became evident to young Greg and his fascination in trying to find where everything fit in remains with him to this day.
Through the years, many species of tropical fish were kept but it was not until he found haplochromine cichlids, particularly those from equatorial Africa, that his calling was found. Mentored by Dr. Les Kaufman and Dr. Paul V. Loiselle, Greg has maintained and bred countless species of fish, mostly from the Lake Victoria region of Africa.

Greg’s involvement in CARES and his work with endangered cichlids has been satisfying to say the least. He has published three books and hundreds of articles in a multitude of languages in an attempt to increase the popularity of haplochromine cichlids. A special enjoyment is traveling to organizations across North America to promote his love of aquatics.
In addition, Greg founded the Hill Country Cichlid Club (HCCC) and is a former president of the Federation of Texas Aquarium Societies (FOTAS).
Greg’s presentation is part of the American Cichlid Association’s Cichlid Speaker Program sponsored by ZooMed Labs.