Greg Steeves

As a life long aquarist, Greg Steeves is known for his fascination with the family cichlidae, in particular haplochromine cichlids.  He has written three books, authored many articles in a dozen languages and speaks on the subject internationally.  Together with Lee Ann (Mrs. Steeves), they maintain a fairly large collection of cichlids, catfish and other lineages of aquatic creatures.  Greg is the founding member of the Hill Country Cichlid Club and president of the Federation of Texas Aquarium Societies (FOTAS).  He is a fellow of the Haplochromis Society based in France as well as the Cichlidroom Companion for whom he has contributed nearly since its inception.  He considers his greatest accolade his association with the CARES Conservation Program where he coordinates the Lake Victoria cichlid species.

His love of cichlids and people, together with his message of conservation can be heard (with an ever present humorous undertone) loud and clear on his internet radio show called “Let’s Talk about Cichlids”.

Native South Texas aquatic plants and animals have been an interest of Greg’s for many years and he has both explored and written on the diverse life found in this area, particularly the out flows of the Edwards Aquifer.

Greg and Lee Ann travel to fish events around the country whenever possible meeting old friends and making new ones at every stop.  Fish and fish people are a large part of his life as is spreading his message about the joys of working with haplochromine cichlids and the importance of ensuring that they survive for the next generations to enjoy.